Wednesday, May 25, 2005

I am going to hell.


I try to do things right ... most of the time... to ensure.. that i dont go to hell... like not use the Lords name in vain... and.....praying and what not..

But after what i did today.... out of natural.. instinct... i am sure.. i am going... to hell...

I was driving... past campus.. and there was a guy on the sideway going along his merry way in his electric wheelchair... he hit a bump in the sidewalk.. and his chair tipped over.. and he fell out onto the ground... and he is just laying there...

What did i do?

without even second thought... i pulled into the next road... not so i could turn around and help him.. but to watch him... and see how he was going to manage getting back into his chair by himself


Good thing there are good people in the world.. because like 2 cars behind me stopped to help him.. and two afternoon joggers... ran over to see if he was ok....

WHAT KIND OF A PERSON AM I....?!?!?!.... this upsets me...

Because the notion of helping him never even popped into my head....

i need to go re evaluate my life... or something lol....

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