Monday, April 16, 2007


After driving around atlanta... for nearly 20 extra minutes after passing The Royal the first time, i finally made it to the Sloppy Seconds party...

it was alot of fun......
and those who knew what was up were unscathed by the torrential downpours going on outside.

Long story short.. i danced my ass off... and got all gross and sweaty in true sloppy like fashion...

i think i got ruffied...somehow...

i dont know the night was going fine..
then i came home went to bed.. and didnt wake up till 4pm!!!!!!!!!!!

that dosnt happen to me....
for me to sleep past 12.. is a bad thing....

so that pretty much summed up my sunday...sleeping it more than half away...

its all good im fine for the team i guess (what a waste of a ruffie for me to just go home to my sick pup).....

ps.. what the FUCK is going on with this weather...please tell me why i was wearing a wool sweater.. in april.. in fucking GEORGIA!....
this world is done for ... no way... we're gonna last another 50 years

i hope im dead by then...
till them....
more pics....

poor sick xander and his snot of my sheets.....

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